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Monday 1 September 2014

Tips On Surviving Long-Distance Relationships ...................

 Keeping a long distance relationship is not a walk in the park and it is never easy in the long run. I'm not talking about a few weeks apart from your beloved here. I'm talking months and perhaps years of no physical contact with the one you love and are dating or married to. It takes a whole lot of commitment, dedication and trust.

The main thing I know about making a long-distance relationship work is by working to keep it alive. Thank God for Skype and the likes, communication is made far easier these days but the lack of physical touch. You can get up to all sorts, within reasonable boundaries, with your partner via technology. You simply must be open-minded and committed enough to make it work. It is also always better to know what it entails and have a game plan prior, rather than winging it as time passes. When you understand a situation properly before delving into it and plan towards it, it helps you overcome whatever well, most challenge that may arise as you go on.

So to survive a long-distance relationship, make a tight plan, establish trust (I cannot overemphasize the need for trust), communicate often and clearly with your partner, concentrate on the positives rather than the negatives and be very patient.

To whom it may concern, the choice to make things work lies with you and your partner. Hopefully these guidelines will assist. I wish you all the best. :)


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